This program is one of the best I have taken since they make you see with everything you have learned you can do great things, since most people tell you that your “ideas” or “projects” are only minimal things that to be someone in life you must have a degree and have a job, there you will really do something important and the truth is that it is not so, every project or idea is big or small, you can create something very good or interesting and even something really new and innovative.
This program has made me think and has opened my mind, it has opened my eyes to what I really like and passionate about, like finishing my university studies in electronic engineering, but also to start a business to acquire practical skills that is where the school does not help you much in that area
Finally, I recommend this program if you are in your goals to know how good you are or you just want to learn or you want a challenge, this course has that and much more, it will only be difficult the language, but even if you don’t give up, you will be able to achieve many things in the future
