In this practice we will see what the DNA of a strawberry is like in a more visible way
70% to 99% isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) - 2 Tbsp (If you have 70%, keep 2tbsp of it in the freezer until tomorrow)
1 small sandwich (ziploc) bag1 small drinking cup.
1 soft fruit (1/2 kiwi, 1/5 banana, but 1 strawberry is best)
1-2 toothpicks.
Paper towels!.
1x DNA extraction kit or
water (distilled, or bottled water) - 1 Tbsp.
white table salt - 1/4 Tsp.
Clear shampoo or soap with EDTA in the ingredient list (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) - 1/4 Tsp.
1 paper coffee filter.
1 very narrow glass, such as a shot glass.
Put the strawberry inside the ziplock bag.
Put the distilled water in the bag, along with the 1/4 tablespoon of salt and with the 1/4 tablespoon of Shampoo.
Once the strawberry is added to the Ziploc bag, we grind it until the strawberry is as soft as possible.
Once this is done, place the two tablespoons of alcohol in our shot glass and place the coffee filter on top of the glass and empty the contents of the bag into the filter and wait for all the strawberry juice to pass through the filte.
Once all the liquid is filtered, we’ll see that there’s a white something floating on the top of the vas, we grab it with a toothpick and we’ll see the strawberry DNA.
