In this project some LEDs were programmed in the programming language of Arduino, where thanks to the ESP32 they can be switched off and switched on with the voice, thanks to its Bluetooth function
LEDs (approximately 7)
Jumper cables (male-male)
ESP32 card
2 Protoboard
1. We calibrate the ESP32 so that the bluethooth recognizes us
2.We connect the ground (GND) and source (5V) parts of the card to the protoboard
3.Adjust the LEDs where the small leg goes to the negative of the protoboard
and the positive leg we put the jumper cables
4. The other end of the jumper cable connects the input the PINS of the card, whitch in my case are 32,33,25,26,27,14 and 12
5. The program is started where we declare the variables of the LEDs and how it is going to be controlled with the voice

This is the code in Arduino